Renovated Yuexiu Mountain Sports Stadium waits for Guangzhou team's return for games

来源:羊城派 时间:2023-04-24 20:53:33

The Guangzhou football team"s home games for the new season will be held at the Yuexiu Mountain Sports Stadium. As a stadium that carries the glory and fond memories of Guangzhou football, Yuexiu Mountain Sports Stadium holds a special place in the hearts of Guangzhou fans, having witnessed the rise and fall of Guangzhou football. Now, the team has returned to the place where their dream began.Recently, the staff of Guangzhou team decorated the stadium, waiting for the team"s first game.

Panoramic view of the Yuexiu Mountain Sports Stadium


Guangzhou team-themed artwork on the staircase of the Yuexiu Mountain Sports Stadium

Substitute seats in the Yuexiu Mountain Sports Stadium decorated with elements of the Guangzhou team

The Guangzhou team bus at the entrance of the stadium

The Guangzhou team"s locker room inside the Yuexiu Mountain Sports Stadium

Trophies won by the Guangzhou team displayed inside the stadium



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